Pastor Clifton
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Good Morning Christian Warriors!

This community is all about learning Ancient Christianity with Pastor Clifton; author of the book "A Return To Ancient Christianity".

... is where you can find direct links to video sermons, FREE downloads of The Bible (Hebrew and Greek text set beside the modern translations), and other fun stuff.

Building a direct, personal relationship with God is absolutely necessary. God's Truth, God's Law, and God's Will can be known!
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Sermon Number 102 (S102)

Good Morning Christian Warriors!
Pray to God The Father for guidance. Then make the correct decisions always careful not to violate the Rights of innocent people... ever... no exceptions.
Have a great Sunday!

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Sermon Number 104 (S104)

Good Morning Christian Warriors!
Spiritual adulthood requires Grown-up Pants.
If you accept fantasy over God's Truth, if you want somebody else (or God) to fix problems for you; then you have Diapers on.
Make Sunday Great!

Casual Talk Number 16 (CT16)

Good Morning Christian Warriors!
Time for a Casual Talk about Chapter 8 of Cataclysm.
Make that day great and pray to God The Father!

Sermon Number 103 (S103)

Good Morning Christian Warriors!
God The Father does not have an ego to stroke. If you're trying to flatter Him with praise, then you have a child's view of reality.
Have a great Sunday!

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